Siberian Pinenut Oil

Organic Castor Oil

Castor Oil is a powerful skincare oil that is a particularly effective when used as a moisturiser for skin and hair.

Due to it’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties it is a soothing aide to damaged or irritated skin. 

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Cold pressed pinenut oil is pressed from the kernels of the pine tree.  Several species of pine exist, but the oil from the Siberian and Korean pine nuts are especially valued as a nutritional supplement. The oil from these kernels is rich in antioxidants and pinolenic acid – a fatty acid which is purported to protect, repair and strengthen the stomach and gastric lining through its anti-inflammatory properties. Siberian Pinenut oil has a distinctive nutty taste and aroma and is a clear yellow colour. The oil is preferably kept in a fridge or in a cool space away from light, in order to preserve the healthy fatty acids.

In Stock
Siberian Pine Nut Oil (250ml)